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How to sell your property successfully

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Selling your property: a project with steps


Selling your house or apartment is a difficult task. The special memories created in the residence by the owner are often not taken into consideration by a property buyer who will have a less sentimental approach
The first step therefore consists of having a correct valuation of your house or apartment

How much is worth your house or apartment? 


Tons of questions need to be answered before selling a house or an apartment. 
With our expertise in the real estate market of the Basque country and the southern western parts of France, we hope to help you develop your project thanks to well-documented articles on important related topics.
When you are ready to take the step, you can ask for a free property valuation or a meeting with one of our local real estate experts.
Our deep knowledge of the local property market is a perk for your selling venture


Successfully sell: 


How to sell as soon as possible?

To sell your property as soon as possible, you must prepare well the sale of your real estate asset. 
First, make sure your property’s value is maximized as to increase the number of bids, then, you ought to gain market insight and choose a price which will mirror the value of your property. You will also need to compile the mandatory reports and the certificates asked by a buyer.
Finally, information on taxation regarding real estate added value will help you. 
You will find in the links above many valuable advices and information for the steps to take in order to sell.