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Copyright © Groupe CARMEN IMMOBILIER 2006-2018. Tous droits réservés.
Last update : 20/04/2018

Privacy Policy – Personal data protection

Our privacy policy is here to inform you how we collect, use, disclose, transfer and store information when using Carmen Immobilier's websites (called « our websites » on URLs : www.carmen-immobilier.com  (called « website  Carmen immobilier») , www.carmen-entreprises.com (called website Carmen Entreprises) , www.kotepalais.com (called website Kote Palais)

By providing data, accessing,  browsing or otherwise using our  websites , you confirm that you have read, understood and agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.


Visiting our websites doesn't need giving any personal informations.
You are not required to provide the personal information that we have requested, but, if you chose not to do so, in many cases we will not be able to provide you with our products or services or respond to any queries you may have , ie :

  • Personal account creation
  • Notifications setting
  • Saving search preferences
  • Contact or information request
  • Valuation inquiry


We may collect and process the following data about you as follows:

  • First and last name
  • Email
  • Phone nomber
  • Forms' subject
  • Other contents you give with your request (message, City where the property is located, property type, number of rooms...)
  • We also may store your indentifying information to access your personal account.
We also collect data with non personal information as any customer information activities on our websites. It may include (but not limited)  geolocation, device type,browser type and version , pages visited, page response time, lenght of visits, page interaction information; phon number used to call us) .  
According to GDPR (General Data Protection Reglementation) adopted on april 14th 2016 and the french law "Loi informatique et Libertés du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée", we inform you the following :

1.1 Data controller responsible

The data controller responsible for your information is PLUS IMMOBILIER SARL 

ZA de Puttilenea  
Phone : +33-


1.2 How we use your information

This personal information we collect allows us to:
a) To provide you with the information, products and services which you request from us
b) To contact you to answer your request
c) To analyse and improve our websites to ensure that content is presented in the most effective manner for you and your computer and to measure and understand the effectiveness of our advertising (non personal data) 
d) To provide you with information about other goods and services that we offer inrexpect of GDPR, it is to say with your volonteer consent to receive our mailings. 


1.3 Disclosure of your information

Only Carmen immobilier habilitated staff has access to your data. We don't sell or share collected information on our websites to third parties. Nevertheless, Carmen immobilier may use third parties application to measure or improve the websites. You may find more infomation in 2.4
None of your personal datas will appear on our websites expcept for pictures of property you missioned us to sell or rent.


1.4 Retention delays

Email messages sent to Carmen Immobilier from request forms are kept for 3 months. 
The personal data of the applicants for the lease or purchase are integrated into our customer tracking system to process their request. In the absence of rental or acquisition, personal information is deleted in case of non-renewal of the request according to applicable laws.
In other case, associated personal datas are stored in our Customer Relation Management system and will be held for 5 years after inactivity, following european recommandations.

You have the right to withdraw consent for us to process your information and for its use for marketing purposes at any time.

We therefore inform you that we collect information from other real estate websites . Please be aware that thes have ther own privacy policies you should check before submitting information to these websites.


1.5 Data Security

Carmen immobilier collects and  proceed your data with strict procedures and security features, especially  notamment using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTPS) for secure encrypted communication over a computer network but alos with our internal security policy (Hosting, monitoring, VPN , firewall, personal habilitations, etc…)



You have the right to access, modify and erase your personal datas. You can exercise your right writing our Data protection controller at the postal adress shown in 1.1 or filling up the contact form on this website.
We inform you that we might disclose your information if in order to comply with any legal obligation.

2.1 Right to access and disclose your information

You have the right to have a copy of all the personal information we hold about you. Nevertheless, according to our security policy, we will ask you the proof of your identity by providing us an Id scan or photocopy with your personal signature.
Carmen Immobilier may decline to process requests that are manifestly unreasonable (by number, repetitive or systematic nature) or extremely impractical.

2.2 Right to modify or erase your information

You have the right to ask at anytime rectification, update, erasure of your personal datas. You can also specify the way you want your personal information to be hold after your death. Anyway, the heirs of a deceased person can update or ask for erasure.


2.3 Response delay

We commit ourselves to answer to all your access, rectification, eraser or other requests before 15 open days.

2.4 Disclosure of information :

Carmen immobilier may use analytics or CRM tools to proceed with the datas you provide us.  These third parties application car be property of non-european firms but we have previously secured the respect of its service providers of the strict confidentiality, usage and data protection conditions according to the RGPD.
We also use 
Carmen immobilier uses these tools : 
- Google Analytics (non personal data) 
- AC3 – Immofacile  (CRM hosted in France) 
- Dialog Insight  ( Data marketing platform hosted in Germany) 


If you are not satisfied about the way in which your information is handled you have the right to lodge a complaint to the French Information Commissioner's Office - la CNIL : https://www.cnil.fr/fr/plaintes/internet



Carmen immobilier as website editor of carmen-immobilier.com ; carmen-entreprises.com et kotepalais.com can use cookies on your computer, tablet or smartphone to offer you the best navigation experience on our websites.
These cookies help us better understand user behavior, tell us which parts of our websites people have visited, and facilitate and measure the effectiveness of our advertisements or our social network page on Facebook. It also helps us to improve user experience and navigation. We treat information collected by cookies and other technologies as non‑personal information.  
We don't sell or share these information to third parties but please note that your browser might also use cookies that are not from Carmen immobilier.

4.1 Cookie acceptance / Denial

On your first connexion a banner inform you of cookie deposit on your device. You can deny your acceptation at this point leaving our websites. By using our websites, you give your consent to the processing of data about you in the manner and the purpose described in these terms of use . At any time, you can block cookies through your browser, although this may prevent you from using some features of our websites.

Cookies that don't need consent

In accordance with the recommendations of the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL), some cookies are exempt from the prior collection of your consent to the extent that they are strictly necessary for the operation of the website or have the exclusive purpose of allowing or facilitating electronic communication. These include session ID cookies, authentication cookies and customization of your interface (to allow you to recover a search done before without re-doing it  each time you change page  for example )

Cookies requiring prior collection of your consent

These are audience measurement cookies that allow us to measure the performance of our website via Google Analytics, advertising cookies allowing us to track the performance of our advertising campaigns to our sites as well as social network sharing cookies. (when you share property listings on Facebook, twitter)

Carmen immobilier uses Google Analytics as a web analytics service which privacy policy is is reachable here: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=en

Social network sharing cookies are issued and managed by the publisher of the social network concerned. If you use this sharing feature offered on our websites, these cookies allow you to easily share some of the content published on the sites of Carmen immobilier.

Facebook cookies policy: https://www.facebook.com/policies/cookies/
Twitter cookies policy : https://help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/twitter-cookies



In accordance with the articles of the Consumer Code L611-1 et seq. And R612-1 et seq., It is stipulated that for any dispute of a contractual nature relating to the execution of the contract of sale and / or the provision of services which could not have been To be resolved in the context of a complaint previously lodged with our customer service, the Consumer will be able to make free use of the mediation. He will contact the National Association of Mediators (ANM) either by mail by writing to 62 rue Tiquetonne 75002 PARIS or by e-mail by completing the online referral form at the following address www.anm-conso.com.